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30 Jan 2024
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Tahoe Vacation Planning

Book Direct and Save BIG!  

In a world where we're used to shopping around for the best deals, whether it's airline tickets or hotel rooms, lake tahoe vacation rentals operate differently.  Online travel agencies like Vrbo, Airbnb, and TripAdvisor often add extra fees, sometimes costing travelers hundreds more than if they had booked directly on the property management's website, like Tahoe Getways.

Booking your Lake Tahoe vacation directly with Tahoe Getaways is consistently more cost-effective than third-party sites. So spread the word to your family and friends! It's shocking how many vacation rental travelers still aren't aware of this. 

Take a look at the example below. These two quotes are both generated for the same five-night stay at the same property. The total when booked through Tahoe Getaways was $283 LESS than what a traveler would pay on VRBO. That's a big difference! 

Browse our Tahoe vacation rentals or contact a Vacation Specialist to unlock special discounts and avoid extra service fees. Plus, benefit from the expertise of a seasoned local, knowledgeable about every property and all that Lake Tahoe has to offer.

Let us help you book an unforgettable trip to Lake Tahoe!

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